Researching TV Shows - The One Show

Visual Codes

The One Show is a British chat show programme that is broadcasted from a live tv studio, it has been running for 11 years now and has several different set locations. The pilot episode aired in 2006 and was filmed at The Mailbox, the hub for BBC Birmingham. After this the show was filmed at a location called The White City Place, which was formerly known as the BBC Media Village, they used this set for 6 years, 2007 to 2013.  From 2014 onwards the show has been filmed at a set in the BBC Headquarters, known as the Broadcasting House. Besides these locations the show travels around the country interviewing and visiting different people and places, it is seen as the staple of modern British tv, as it shown at 7:00pm every weeknight, which is prime time for f,

milies settling down to have dinner.

The colours used in this show are quite bright and vibrant, with a combination of the stories they cover and the guests they have on provide a good platform for viewers of all ages to engage in the programme.

The presenters are dressed up in a smart casual way, as they have to look to look semi professional but also have to appeal and look acceptable to viewers, meaning they put a more casual style on their attire, same going for the guests on the show as well.

The presenters have to be spritely and enthusiastic to keep the audience engaged in the programme, they have to be on their feet with questions to ask and to keep the conversation flowing with the guests, as it is filmed live in a studio.

Camera Techniques 

The camera shots change whilst the show is playing, switching between head and shoulder shots to medium close up to medium shots, giving the audience a view of the presenters and guests and also showing them around the set, occasionally switching to the audience when the presenters interact with them.


The pace of show is fairly slow, the programme is normally on for half an hour, occasionally changing to an hour for specials. The show covers several stories as well as a celebrity guest in this space, most of which is filmed inside the studio. The show switches between studio and outside of studio segments, with quick transitions between them.


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