
Researching TV Shows - The One Show Visual Codes The One Show is a British chat show programme that is broadcasted from a live tv studio, it has been running for 11 years now and has several different set locations. The pilot episode aired in 2006 and was filmed at The Mailbox, the hub for BBC Birmingham. After this the show was filmed at a location called The White City Place, which was formerly known as the BBC Media Village, they used this set for 6 years, 2007 to 2013.  From 2014 onwards the show has been filmed at a set in the BBC Headquarters, known as the Broadcasting House. Besides these locations the show travels around the country interviewing and visiting different people and places, it is seen as the staple of modern British tv, as it shown at 7:00pm every weeknight, which is prime time for f, milies settling down to have dinner. The colours used in this show are quite bright and vibrant, with a combination of the stories they cover and the guests they hav

Creating an interview

Setting up an interview takes several steps that you have to undergo. Firstly, you must make the interviewee feel comfortable before you start recording, this is important as people can find being asked questions whilst being filmed is quite nerve wracking, being put on the spot can sometimes rush them meaning they don't give you best answer they could. To do this, talk to them before you start any recording and walk through what you will be asking them, making sure they take enough time to answer properly. Another point that leads on from this is eye contact. This makes people feel less un easy as it shows you are paying attention to what they are saying, showing an interest will help them feel more encouraged to open up to you. Eye contact is also key as it provides the interviewee somewhere to look whilst they are talking, otherwise they will look directly at the camera, which they shouldn't do as they are talking to the interviewer, not the viewers. Interviewers must als

Light Workshop Evaluation

On Thursday we did a workshop about different lights and their uses in the studio. We got put into groups and got to experiment with different lighting features to get several effects. The first setup we looked at was the Arri 300's which were being used as key lights. These lights are

Final task

Audio evaluation
3rd. Apply the information How well have you done in the sessions? Ask yourself: Which skills, Processes and Methods or tools you enjoyed the most? Answer: I enjoyed the mono printing as it was an easy process to pick up and my work turned out better than I expected. Which of the things you have been shown could you demonstrate to another person? Answer: I could demonstrate how to do hand stitching to someone as it is quite relaxing Which of the things you have been shown do you need more practice with? Answer: I need to practice my drawing/sketching skills that we did with different pencils and biros 4th. Consider the implications If you were asked by a professional to use some of the tools, skills, processes how well would you do? Answer: 5. Explore other points of view Have you considered feedback from teachers and Peers as to how well you did in the session, if so what feedback have you had? Answer: What Feedback have you had so far t